Archive for Like A Virgin

Then And Now Series : Madonna

Posted in music, photography, Uncategorized with tags , , , , on November 25, 2008 by Kevin Estrada


I shot these two photos nearly a of a quarter of a century apart. I remember when Madonna was the hottest female in pop when I was a teen in ‘85…and I am not just talking about her music. Her dazzling face and body graced the cover of just about every magazine on every news-stand in the world. Now, 23 years later, she is even more dazzling.

I was lucky enough to sneak a handful of timeless photos during her infamous Virgin Tour in 1985. And just earlier this month, I had the privilege to be officially approved to shoot Madonna’s Sticky And Sweet Tour when it rolled through Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles.

Some things just get better with time…these photos are the living proof.